Friday, June 20, 2014

Self-Improvement Movement

               Alright, I know what you're's only been like sixteen days since my last post, (a new record for me if I might add) anddddd you're right, I'm sorry it's been a crazy time! (Which is what I'd say if I had actually been that busy, which I haven't to be completely honest). With that being said it's not that I haven't not been busy, if that makes sense (there's gotta be some grammar error in that somewhere but it's the best way I can say it,) I legit never knew that working an 8-5 job everyday could be so exhausting (cue my mom's I told-you-so speech) but being completely honest I haven't written because I haven't been so passionate about anything lately that I felt the need to blog about it. Like yeah I've started a couple of drafts on different subjects, but the problem is I'm not the kind of person that can just write to write something, I tend to ramble incoherent thoughts together and it comes off as half-assed, which is so not me, and I wouldn't wanna put you through that kind of torture! 

      Now with that said, the last couple of days I've been super focused on self-improvement, any possible way that I could work on becoming a better me internally and externally. Internally I've been trying to focus on improving my relationships with the people around me, especially the people that I feel like I don't show how much I love and appreciate them as much as I could (Yes mom, that means you lol ;)) and also working on some of the character flaws I have, because Lord knows I have quite a few; impatience and being an ocd overly perfectionist are just the tip of the ice burg for me. 

       On the other hand, the external aspect of my self-improvement movement has been mostly centered on getting myself on a healthy diet regiment, and getting fit. Now before someone starts on the "you're gorgeous just the way you are spiel" I'm not saying that I am dissatisfied with the way I look, because I'm not, I'm just trying to actually make myself become fit; because somehow I don't think my idea of exercise, aka sitting on the couch, eating a bag of chips, and watching the people on the screen workout is what a fitness instructor (or any person with common sense) would consider being fit. 

         So because of this I've decided that I'm going to start going to classes (zumba, yoga, spinning etc.) since I HATE the gym, like with a PASSION (don't ask me why I just do) and I know that if I get one of those videos that tell you how to workout I would never have the self-motivation to actually follow through on the work outs, in fact I'd probably be on the couch yelling at the instructor to stop telling me what to do because s/he doesn't know my life story (while eating a bag of chips of course). So with all that in mind a class where I'd actually have to go and not eat chips because all the people in the class would stare at me like I had three heads is the way to go, NO EXCUSES. 

         The final part of this external aspect is to try to cut down/ eliminate the amount of soda I drink a day and instead to switch to a detox water that everyone has been talking about, which apparently eliminates all of the toxins in your body, while also slimming you down, and the icing on the cake (as if a banging waist is amazing enough) IT ACTUALLY TASTES GOOD TOO! Say whaaa! Yes many of the different detox waters (and yes there are millions of flavors) taste great and can be mixed and combined in innumerable ways to match each and every individuals taste buds so we can all enjoy shedding a few easy pounds. 

          So yes my self-improvement movement is set to commence this week, but I will need your help. Knowing how I am, I'm usually super into my improvement plans for like two weeks and then I'm just like ehhh I can skip a day or two...oh whoops its been two years guess I'll wait till New Year's to make getting in shape my resolution...for the seventh year in a row; I give you full permission to be on me about keeping this plan in check, and if you see me eating like 6 chocolate glazed doughnuts you are fully allowed to knock it out of my hand (I may SERIOUSLY dislike you in the moment, but I promise I'll love you later on :D)and I will make sure to post updates on how my movement is going as time progresses. 


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