Wednesday, June 4, 2014

On Graduation

     So it hit me like a stack of bricks, two years ago today I took that walk across a stage, received my diploma, and was ushered into the "real world" no longer a child but a fully functioning member of society, "a grown up." I seriously can't believe how quickly these two years have gone by, it seems like just yesterday that I was at my prom, attending Temple's overnight orientation, and starting my official day of college and today was kind of like a wake up call, like what have I really been doing these last two years? Where did all that time go?

    Now don't get me wrong, I have been doing a lot between being a full time student, working, and basically trying to figure out what the hell to do with my life it still felt to me like I really hadn't been doing much, I mean I have so many friends that have gone from one endeavor to another, others that are consistently traveling, and some who decided to settle down and start their families, all options I could have opted for but didn't.

  So I really sat down and thought about what I had been doing these last two years and realized, I was focusing on creating the me that I wanted to be, and knew I could be. Starting college made me realize that maybe some of the choices I had always assumed would be right for me might not be the best fit, e.g. medical school (recipe for disaster!) I think that before college I had been so focused on what seemed like the "right" choice that I deluded myself into thinking that yea I wanted to become a doctor, live in Philly for the rest of my life, have two kids, and live a "happily ever after."

  But what I've learned recently is, a "right" or "safe" life isn't what I want, first reason being anyone who really knows me can vouch for the fact that lawyer is a better option for me, with my need to have the last word and all, and I've gotten really into the idea of moving out of Philadelphia (the sooner the better!) Not even because I don't love the city, but because I feel like to fully get the independence I need, I need to prove it to myself that I can be on my own, maybe even in a city where I don't really know anyone, or my surrounding, and see if I can make it.

  The final thing that I've learned in these two years is that there's no such thing as that "happily ever after" life won't always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes the prince doesn't rescue the princess, and you know what THAT'S OKAY. I think that those bad days where nothing seems to go right and the world seems like it's out to get us, need to happen because it brings us back to reality, to the fact that yeah things are gonna go wrong sometimes, maybe so that better things can come together, or maybe just because those things weren't meant to be for us, maybe just at the current time or ever, and again that's okay.

  What matters through all of it, is how we get through it (if we get through it at all) and the people who stand by us through it all, those are the people that we want and should always keep in our lives. I can honestly say that the lesson I've cherished the most I learned since graduation is just how important the value of a true friendship is. I've made and lost so many friends these past two years, and when I look back at the ones who've stayed and never left, I can't help but feel immensely thankful for how they put up with my mood swings, talked me through all the hardships I went through, and cheered me on through all of my accomplishments, and I know that it's through their unwavering support that I've been able to fully become the me I am today.

  So to all the St Huberts grads today, from a semi recent alum I must say, cherish the friends who root for you to succeed, the ones who won't just get you in trouble but stick with you through the consequences, the ones who point out all of the good characteristics in you when you seem to be falling apart, and help you pick up the pieces after it's all said and done. Yeah, it's been a serious awakening these past two years for me, but I wouldn't change it even if I could.

   And because I can't help myself heres a couple of pics from my graduation and some of the people who've helped shape the women I've become.      

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