Thursday, April 2, 2015

A March Recap

Cooling down after a workout with a
quick Yoga class.
            So since I’m like super late updating my blog (I blame school and work and having to “be an adult”) I’ve decided to write this post catching you up on what I’ve been up to this month, instead of on a particular topic. So what have I been up to/ into this month?

A Healthier Lifestyle
So official even got the duffel bag. 
            Recently as some of you may know if you follow me on social media I actually got a gym membership. I know, I know you’re shocked right? And not just that, sit down for this part….I’m actually using it. Feel that? Yup hell definitely just froze over lol. But on a more serious note, I have had various gym memberships in life that I would use occasionally (or when I was forced to) but none of which I was as determined to use as the one that I have now. The fact that this gym offers more than just the typical machine/ weights workouts they also offer classes and other resources that actually motivate me to want to go work out, and so far it’s been working pretty well.

(Left) Coconut Chocolate Chip Almond Cookies
(Right) Dark chocolate baked oatmeal bars and muffins
            Along with actually working out, I’ve also completely changed my eating habits. I think a big factor in this decision is the fact that because I’ve actually been working out I no longer crave sweets like I did before (yup no more munchkins twice a day, everyday) and I’ve gone completely organic. Now don’t get me wrong I’m definitely still a chocaholic, however, I’ve converted to eating dark chocolate and I bake my own sweet treats with ingredients I know will actually be good for me. It’s definitely one of those things where you know you hate it because it takes a lot of time to do but once it’s done you know it was beyond worth it in the long run.

Meanwhile at the Flower Show 
Aside from my whole healthier lifestyle thing I’ve been trying to figure out just what exactly I’m going to do after Temple. I literally just picked my classes for my final fall semester here and I felt like I needed to re-evaluate my life cause I honestly don’t know what to do next. I feel like it’s ridiculous I’m supposed to know what I want to do for the rest of my life at 20, when I don’t even know what I want to eat for lunch two hours from now, the anxiety is real. I’ve been looking into internships within the public relations sphere to see if I can find some path I’d want to go down, but so far no luck. So who knows where that’ll end up but we’ll see.

I also attended my first ever flower show for a huge class project I had for my newswriting class, and although I did enjoy it, it’ll probably be the first and last. The gardens were incredible but personally I’m not too big a fan of flowers and I also hate people suffocated between people, which is exactly what the last day of the flower show experience was, claustrophobia central, but a fun experience nonetheless.

Wrapping up the month I had a huge incident with my mac which taught me that I should probably be backing up all my data, and not leaving it to chance that my hard drive won’t crash/ die on me. After two long ass trips to King of Prussia and a lecture from the dude at the genius bar I definitely learned that back ups are friends and actually went out and bought an external hard drive to avoid any more predicaments, and I recommend anyone who does not have one, get one. That ish is necessary, you don’t want to lose all the valuable files you have stored away.

Despite how hectic of a month March was I wouldn’t have changed one second of it if I could. It was definitely a month full of learning for me from learning new tips with technology to trying to learn more about myself and my wants it was a great experience overall. The best part of the month definitely had to be actually getting to see and spend time with the people I care about who I hardly ever see. I can only hope April will be half as exciting.

And hopefully April will be a month where I'll actually be able to stay up to date! Promise I'll try! 
 ~ Ashley <3 

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