Saturday, February 14, 2015

On Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day
So to be 100% honest I’m not the biggest fan of Valentine’s Day. Now don’t get me wrong I’m no where near as bad as Jessica Biel in the movie Valentine’s Day, but I’m not really someone who feels the need to celebrate it, celebrate it…make sense? Now don’t get me wrong, obviously I love the romance behind, it and despite all my failures in regards to feelings, I am a girl and I do love flowers and those boxes of chocolates, so that’s not why I’m not really fond of this day; it’s more the expectation that I don’t like about Valentine’s Day.
         I feel like everyone expects some big thing (material item) on Valentine’s Day to show that their significant other cares, and that shouldn’t be the point of today. Today, in my opinion should be about spending quality time with the feel that you love, showing them that yeah shit happens in life, some days are harder than others, but they’re going to get through it because they have you to lean on when they feel like they’ll fall…cause that’s all you can really ask of someone. Personally my favorite gifts from past years have been cards, and not the fancy ones but the really plain ones that instead of being filled with Hallmarks version of feelings, has instead been written in by someone who cared about me so much they felt they wanted to add their own words to express their love for me, and you know what that’s more than I could ever ask for.

         So to all the lovers out there have a Happy Valentine’s Day with your significant other, to all the single people out there enjoy today with your loved ones, you don’t need anyone to show you how special you are, you already know it. As for me I’ll spending today getting work done with a cup of coffee and watching pretty little liars, cause let’s be real that’s all love really is.
                                      ~ <3 Ashley 

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