I’ve been contemplating writing this blog post for a while, since in a way it
is kind of personal but at the same time I’m like if I’m going through this
there has to be plenty of other people who feel the same way…so I’ve decided to
just go ahead and write about it. What is it? Is probably what you’re asking
right now lol, well hold on I’ll get to that in a second, first I wanna clarify
the back story on the catalyst of what made me decide to write about this
I swear I get asked this all the time do I have a
boyfriend, to which I respond no I don’t and then I get one of two responses
either the person doesn’t believe me and thinks I have some hidden boyfriend
(pssh I wish Romeo you know that’s all you;) [Santos for all people who don’t
know the Romeo I’m referring to lol] or they’re like but why not?
My response to the first response is quite frankly
despite the fact that I am a private person (I like my private life to remain
private) if I had a boyfriend I wouldn’t keep him a secret, there’s really no
need for that and ultimately that secrecy can tear apart a relationship. I’m
not a person that would be blowing up anyone’s Instagram feeds with pictures of
my boyfriend and I, but my friends and family would definitely know who he was,
and publically people would know I was taken, but according to my Facebook
status I’m currently single so obviously I have no secret boyfriend.
My response to that second response gets a little more
complicated. The reason that I don’t have a boyfriend is not because I don’t
want one, I mean I’m not actively seeking a relationship, but should I meet the
right person I wouldn’t be opposed to dating, the only problem is the guys of
this generation. Honestly, I’ve met some pretty good guys, but the majority of
them were either already taken or weren’t interested in girls which sucked…and
the rest of the guys I’ve met just were not interested in something serious. I’m not the type of girl that is
looking for just another hookup or to “chill” (honestly what even is this whole thing
with chilling, like I’m not your bro). And I don’t want a guy who has been with
half of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area (being with thatttt many people is
kind of a huge turn off).
Honestly what I want is a man, not a boy thinking he’s a
man, to ask me out on a DATE (again chill is for bro’s) and not to want a
relationship per say, but who wants to get to know the actual me, not just the
physical me or the me that he thinks I am. I want a man who is going to call
instead of text me and who is going to understand that I am a full time student
working two jobs, so I don’t have much time, and who instead of being turned
off by that is going to stand by me and support me through it all. A person who
wants me to succeed and pushes me to be a better version of myself….is that too
much to ask for? Cause to be honest I refuse to settle for anything less than