Alright so I’m
not going to lie, this gonna be another wake up call (but don’t worry it’s not
on the same topic as last time) instead this time it’s a wake up call on being
happy. I know, I know it sounds weird but the fact of the matter is, more often
than not many people around me (friends, family, coworkers etc.) and yes myself
included, get into these slumps where it seems like nothing is going right and
the weight of the world is on our soldiers and I’m here to tell you IT’S NOT.
You are not and will never be alone (if you’re reading this just know, whether
or not I know you personally I’m always here to help and listen if you need to
talk) so you shouldn’t feel so isolated; and alright this is gonna come off
blunt but there are people in this world facing tribulations just as hard, if
not harder than the ones that you’re personally going through so always be sure
to count the blessings for what’s right in your life.
But back to my original point on
happiness, I think it’s just human nature that when things go wrong we seem to
get stuck in a rut and we begin to take the sadness/suffering/whatever it is
in, and it’s just not worth it. Trust me learning to stop taking things that
went wrong in my life, or that upset me, personally was a hard lesson for me to
not just take in but apply to my own life; but at the end of the day letting go
is one of the reasons that not only am I happier, and less stressed but also
that made me want to share my wisdom with others.
So let go. Stop Taking things
personally. Change the things that can be changed and accept what cannot be
changed. Basically deal with whatever problems you have going on, but do not
let them affect you or become all that’s on your mind, it’s just not worth it;
because at the end of the day your problems will still be there and the only
person hurt was you. Letting problems affect you cannot only harm your health,
but your mental stability, and the relationships with loved ones and friends
(99% of the people you tell your problems to are either glad you have them or
genuinely do not care; and that last percent eventually gets tired of all the
negativity, it’s just not a good look.)
Instead of dwelling on the
negativity surround yourself in positivity, spend time with friends who make
you happy, go for long walks or bike rides (exercise increases the level of
dopamine in your brain which makes you happier,) or find a hobby that takes
your mind off of anything and everything, at least for a little while because a
positive outlook on life not only lengthens the longevity of life, but actually
makes life worth living since you’re not always miserable about something or
other . (Plus no one wants to be around someone who’s constantly complaining
about their lives or the people in it; remember we all have problems we’re
dealing with, so continuously going on about yours is not just annoying, its
A list of the Random Things That
Make Me the Happiest:
- - Bike Rides (Even though I don’t know where my bike is exactly lol…)
- - Painting (Despite my lack of artistic ability)
- - Writing (Obviously I mean I have a blog for a reason lol!) & Reading
- - Movies (Fast & Furious Marathon or a Harry Potter Marathon HELLLL YES)
- - Chocolate (obv.)
- - Coffee (If you know me nothing makes me happier than coffee lol)
Great post!
ReplyDeleteThanks! (: