Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Floridian Affair

            So to be fair this post is kind of late, seeing how I actually went to Florida two weeks ago and I’m just posting this now….but I felt that it’s acceptable since it’s relevant to one of my goals for the New Year.  The time that I spent in Florida this Christmas was extra special, because along with getting to see my dad (who I missed dearly), this trip was nothing like the previous trips that I had taken.  Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I had a bad time on this trip, the exact opposite in fact, it was the best trip yet! And why? Because this was the first time that I went on vacation and didn’t really do the touristy stuff, I actually did the local attractions and actually got to cross some items off of my bucket list. So just what did I do?
-            Finally getting to go to a gun range.  Holy scary, yet best experience of Florida! Now okay don’t get me wrong I’m not pro or con guns, but I’ve always wanted to go to a legit gun range and see how shooting felt, and let me just tell you, I plan on going back…I think that speaks for itself.
-            Getting the chance to get over my fear of the sea with a Christmas light viewing cruise. Now before going to Florida this year, I had a deadly fear of being on the ocean in a ship (hello did you see what happened in Titanic? Or Poseidon?) But the ship that we were on this time around was just so nice and the experience was so great that those fears were just non-existent, and who knows maybe I’ll actually get on a real cruise one of these days…. (or nah)….we’ll see
-            And the greatest part, along with seeing my dad of course, was getting the chance to get to know myself a little more, and to embrace new experiences, whether they be in regards to food, adventures, or even people with an open mind (something I hate to admit I struggled with).
 I guess you can tell the trip was definitely one of the highlights of my year and I wouldn’t change one second of it if I could. It was one of those trips that doesn’t change you as a person, but instead helps you embrace the person you always knew inside of you, you were. I hope your holidays were filled with lots of love and happiness, as mine were and here are some pictures (and videos) of my trip this December. And yes you do actually see me shoot in this video.
                                       ~Ashley <3 

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