Monday, April 21, 2014

 Familial Loving

      Happpyyy Easterrr Monday lovebirds(; or happy belated 4/20 (whichever floats your boat)! Now although I know that Easter is not technically a legal holiday, rooted more in religion and Christianity than in an actual government holiday, it's still more than enough reason to celebrate! Now I don't know about all of you but my family is really big of holidays and celebrating kind of just focused on trying to get the whole family together in one place (which is impossible since if you know anything about Hispanic families, we're so big there's no way to fit us all in one place) which is a really cute idea idea in theory despite never fully working out lol. This year, however, I ended up not spending it with my family (yes I was invited to the family Easter egg hunt, and no I did not go) I did get to spend it with my gorgeous mom and her friend (yes we had food!) I did miss the rest of my family and seeing their pictures from the get together made me wish I had been there but I had an amazing day and wouldn't have wanted it any other day! Here's a few pics of my day I hope that you and yours had an amazing day as well whether you celebrate Easter or not or whether you were "high" on life 4/20 style (; 

    Peace, love and happiness <3 

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