Sunday, November 2, 2014

30 Random Facts abouta Random

           Soooooo yeah I'm only like 2 weeks late putting up a new post....whoops, but in my defense honestly I just don't understand how the days have been flying by so quickly but I'm back...I think. Today I decided I'd do something a little different and tell you a little about myself, despite not being very interesting soooo without further ado here's 30 completely random (but true) facts about me....leggo 

30 Random Facts about me 
  1. I’m only 5’0 and 3/4…and I was once told I was 5’2 which made my entire life until I went back to the doctors they said I had obviously shrunk cause I'm really only 5'0…needless to say it was a sad day
  2. Autumn is my favorite season, but Christmas is my favorite time of the year 
  3. I can’t honestly say I don’t have a best friend….why? Because my closest friends are legit family to me
  4. I did karate….for like a day…cause I decided to be all dique bad ass and show off what I learned in class that day and ended up breaking my arm in the same place again 
  5. I’m endlessly competitive especially in Mario Kart like shit will get real, words will be said…warning 
  6. My favorite series is a tie between Harry Potter and the Fast and Furious series and the Hunger Games (November 21 and April 3rd can’t come soon enough) 
  7. I can’t walk straight in flats, but I walk perfectly in heels…problems 
  8. I’m legitimately the clumsiest person ever, like honestly if I had a dollar for every time I’ve walked into a wall or tripped up the stairs -__- 
  9. I’m a very open person and pretty open minded 
  10. It takes a lot to get me mad, it’s very rare for me to get upset but when that does happen I tend to get over things really quickly 
  11. COFFEE is life tbh 
  12. I’m honestly a terrible texter, I’ll completely forget to write back unless I genuinely want to talk to you 
  13. I can’t go a day without texting the bae, aka Sandra  
  14. My favorite place I’ve been to so far is New York <3 all day every day 
  15. I could see myself (and plan on) living in Washington DC at some point in my life, but eventually I plan on making NY my home 
  16. I’m a card HOARDER, any time I get a birthday or Christmas card that someone took the time to write in I put it up on my wall, they mean the world to me 
  17. I would love to live in the West Coast for like a year 
  18. I’m determined to go backpacking across Europe 
  19. Feelings wise, I’m like the most ungirly girl, I don’t do very well with emotions 
  20. I like my money exactly where I can see it, in my closet 
  21. I’m worry more about the people I care about then I do for myself to be honest
  22. My life will be complete when I see J. Cole and the Weeknd in concert 
  23. Romeo Santos will forever be bae 
  24. I can (and have) spent an entire day watching Youtubers Tyler Oakley, Casper Lee, and Thatcher Joe videos and binge watching the Mindy Project 
  25. I could honestly (and would if I could) spend a full day watching movies 
  26. Favorite movie at the moment: Purge Anarchy, think I’ve seen it 20 times and I’ll probably watch it a few more times 
  27. I tend to get tired of things very quickly, I constantly crave change 
  28. I almost died of appendicitis because I kept trying to convince the doctor that I was fine so that I could go home 
  29. I legitimately dislike with an intense passion the movie Frozen, so much so that this sentence isn’t even grammatically correct 
  30. The simplest things make me beyond happy, I'm not a person who really cares for material or expensive things, get me coffee or a red velvet cupcake and I'll love you forever <3 jk all those feelings but still like you will have made my day